
New member
Sep 21, 2004
From having read all the forum discussions on this topic I would make the following suggestions towards helping Casablanca see the light and possibly ending this outright embarrassing display of poor judgement on the part of Casablanca and all of the principals involved in its decision making processes:

1) Rumor has it that Dave Johnson will be back on Tuesday to resolve this matter. I urge all credit players that end the week with a negative balance to withhold their payments until a resolution has been reached.

2) I also urge all credit players that end the week with a losing balance to review all of their losing bets for the week and compare the lines that they bet at to other lines that were out there. Any bad numbers that you bet at should be claimed and not paid until this situation is resolved.

3) Credit players that don't want to be accused of being stiffs by this apparent stiif outfit should make arrangements to send their payments to a neutral mediator that could disperse the money to Areff.

Bottom line why should you guys pay your debts when Casablanca doesn't want to pay theirs. If any of you had been credit players at Aces Gold/Sportsmarket would you have paid them that last week. Stiff outfits tend to understand the magnitudes of stiffing when they themselves start getting stiffed. Also post-up players requesting withdrawals til this is resolved would be a prudent move as well. IT IS NOW THE TIME FOR ALL CREDIT AND POST-UP PLAYERS TO BAND TOGETHER AND MAKE A STATEMENT TO CASABLANCA THAT THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE BECAUSE THEY WERE THE ONES THAT MADE THE MISTAKE

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I would assume at the end of the last game on Sunday like most other books. I guess it could be Monday but Sunday seems to be the standard end date for most credit operations that I'm aware of.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Thanks Paula. I like your idea of having the players stand up together to help another. We could all do that and avoid lots of fraud if we stood together. Hard to find that kind of commitment these days.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
standing together is a great idea. but with holding money from a book makes you no better than them. if you were a credit player and are worried about the situation play elsewhere. can't use this as an excuse to nopay.

if you make a bet and loose you pay
if you make a bet and win you should be paid

if i had a buddy playing at a book and they f ucked up my acct i can't tell him to do a charge back or something and give it to me. and then we would move to another book. you be balled in no time

i feel the casa is wrong in this case and pressure can be put on them to make it right, but this is not the way

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I understand the frustration in all this but let's relax and see if this issue is resolved this week. If not I still do not condone not paying someone money you rightfully owe. It sends the wrong message about what kind of person you are. We have enough stiffs in the world already without encouraging them to find a "reason" not to pay their gambling debts. "Well I know I owe it but I am not paying them to get back at them for taking a players bonus back in 1999". Two wrongs don't make a right. Never a good reason to not pay off your gambling loses IMO no matter how a book treats someone else.

Sorry just my opinion on it Paula. I do enjoy your posts, just diagree with you on this one.

Sep 20, 2004
Patrick , two wrongs do not make a right , very true...But, what if say your wife was owed 10k from last week and this week you lost 8k would you still send in the 8k? I think this question is a legitimate one...

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Causing the loss of money would be fine either way. Do not pay until they pay or do not play until they pay. Either way the book suffers and loses profits.

Either way its good for players to stand up for players. Uncle Sam takes our monies in garnishment when we do not pay him his taxes. Same principle here. We do not pay taxes its wrong, Govt takes an entire check to get you caught up, its wrong to keep one from buying gas & food, but they do it. I have did the paperwork before.

Its called a union sorta. We can strike in any manner we like until we get justice.

Now, i do not play at CBS, but if I did and had a group who wanted me to stand with them in order for justice, Im in

New member
Sep 21, 2004

if Areef wants his money back, all he has to do is have a few friends open an account with casablanca. They all make credit card deposits and place bets. Tose who win, withraw their money and give it to Arreef, and tose who lose simply deny the credit card charges.

When it comes to offshore gambling, there truly are no laws. It's based soley on the honor system. Betcbs has violted that system. However distasteful it is to sink to thier level, the only way to get your money from ascammer is sometimes to act like one. The important thing is that once you get your money you stop. You don't want to become a fulltime scammer. No amount of money is worth that.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I understand guys, we won't all think the same way. I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone.

The fear for me is we would be opening up a can of worms. Anytime a book does not handle something the exact way a player sees fit they will go to this excuse and stiff the book. "They cheated Joe Blow IMO so I won't pay them!" How many would have stiffed CRIS over the loyalty thing following this plan? You guys think that would qualify for this? How about the Cascade thing? I believe you sided with Beaner on that one General, you think we shouldn't pay Lenny what we owe? To me there are other ways you can seek justice, not paying your own debts is not right in my honest opinion. Pay what you owe and don't do business with them any longer is as far as I would go personally. All you have in this business is your name and most credit players already understand that anyway.

I want this player paid as bad as anyone but if he does not get paid I couldn't stiff the shop out of money I know I rightfully owed. Perhaps it's the old bookie in me talking here but I would never support this or take part and not pay up if I owed anyone money...

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
It's good discussion. Thanks All

I think the key to playing dirty is how strong the Majority are on the matter. Obviously on this matter it appears there is a high % agreeing with the player here, not just Rx, but many other forums on the net. As for Cascade, The Rx posters were very one-sided agreeing with Cascade. I could not work against the majority. Democracy is my game.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The General:
It's good discussion. Thanks All


I agree. No harm in civil discussions, that's what we're here for.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
Although, I will NEVER play at CBS because I think they ARE CROOKS for pulling that crap on an iffy tennis line ...

.. I think it would be EVEN worse to resort to their level.

Remember - what goes around comes around. No sense ruining your reputations over a shit book like CBS.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I don't know Arreef from awhole in the wall. I really have no idea what the facts in the case are. So for me to stiff betcbs, and give the money to Arreef, would be ourageou in my opinion. But if I played at BML for instance and got stifffed by them. Or to use a better example, if ad posted up with PTS using a crdit card instead of Nettller, I would have had no problems doing a charge back to my card, because they stiffed me.
I guss my attitude can be best summed up this way. If you steal from a stranger, athat doesn't give me the right to steal fro you. But if ou steal from me, than short of bodily harm, I can do whatsever neccessary to get my money and property back.

Sep 21, 2004
Patrick and blueballs-
I think you two guys missed the beauty of this post:
Suggestion #2, looks like: "What's good for the goose is good for the gander." If Casablanca is allowed to cry bad line and void a bet that didn't go their way, then why shouldn't the players that lost, check if any of their losing plays were based on bad lines? I think postup and credit should BOTH check all their plays.
Suggestion #3, is not recommending that the players that lost don't pay, but rather, that they pay into a fund that goes to Areef (and anybody else that got stiffed) on this play.

The General has the right take: it's like a union. Flood their customer service department with requests to check those plays, the time of the play, etc. Even if you don't want to hold back on payment, you can overwhelm them with reasonable requests. If dozens or hundreds of players make them check, they can't refuse a player asking to check plays.

And, the idea that "boo-hoo, don't pick on the sportsbooks if a player picks up an off number" is bogus. Don't forget, the books are charging a lot of juice (30-40 cents) on some of these matchups, not the 10-20 cents on a normal line. This is their buffer against mistakes. If they have the moneyline off by a few hundred cents and take limit bets without moving the line, then they are incompetent and shouldn't be in business in the first place.
Sep 21, 2004
Allowed to cry bad line?

Have you a single clue of the typical CBS tennis offer compared to the rest of the market?

Just one teeny little bit of a clue?

his name should be shared amongst every book on earth and when he can't get down,

maybe he'll learn right from wrong, something obviously missing from your upbringing.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
That is a cheap way out for credit players. You lose you pay>>> No matter what happens to somebody else!@!@!

Sep 21, 2004
Yeah,Sodium, a big clue:
When the reputable books in the market post a line (tennis or other sports), they honor the bets they accept at the limits they take.

There has not been ONE shred of evidence that Areef did anything wrong or had multiple accounts. He bet the max on a what he felt was a good bet and he gave out some tips to some of his friends who may have excercised their right to bet a number that available.

Scoopy- no one is saying that the credit players don't pay. But, they can certainly stand up for Areef in show of solidarity and ask for their loses to fund Areef's claim.

Don't think that credit players haven't ever had problems with Casablanca's lines, but until now have only been able to complain to their agents and had no way of voicing their opinion about Casablanca.

Fine, how about this:
Players that agree with Areef should call CBS's customer service department and go over EVERY Tennis bet over $200 and ask why it was accepted.
Sep 21, 2004
Credit players as a whole have more ethics in their pinky toe than post up players.

I can't even fathom a guy boycotting, i mean that borders on the absurd.

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